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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

NBA - Week 8 - Most Cats League

Week 8 Awards
Most Categories - Miami Bulls (Result: 8-2-1)
Most Points - Miami Bulls (643 PTS)
Week Top Player - Los Angeles Hawks (Pau Gasol - PR7: 15.59)

Power Rankings
1. Utah Celtics (8-0) - Who will stay 9-0 after this week?
2. Phoenix Rockets (8-0)
3. New Orleans Bobcats (6-2) - 3 game advantage in division. Looks like we have a division winner here.
4. Miami Bulls (5-3) - Big win last week (most points, most cats) to take division lead.
5. Los Angeles Hawks (5-3)
6. Indiana Clippers (4-4)
7. Golden State Timberwolves (5-3)
8. New York 76ers (3-5)
9. Dallas Spurs (3-5)
10. Oklahoma City Grizzlies (3-5)
11. Sacramento Bucks (3-5) - Playoff team with a 3-5 record? At the moment all 5 teams from West Div are in the playoffs!
12. New Jersey Raptors (2-6)
13. Denver Trail Blazers (1-7)
14. Orlando Wizards (0-8)

Week 8 Top Player
Pau Gasol #16

MVP Race
1.Kevin Love, GSTW - RK: 17.54
2.Chris Paul, NOB - RK: 16.31
3.Pau Gasol, LAH - RK: 16.18
4.Al Horford, NOB - RK: 13.64
5.Steve Nash, PHXR - RK: 12.46

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